Tuzi Flag & Emblem

Tuzi Flag & Emblem

Brand IdentityFlag DesignEmblem Design
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Tuzi Flag & Emblem
Tuzi City

Tuzi is the newest city in Montenegro. It has numerous natural resources, beautiful mountains, lakes and rivers.

It is a multi-cultural city. The challenge was to represent the different cultures while maintaining a historical meaning.

Tuzi Flag & Emblem
Tuzi Flag & Emblem
Design Roots

With all official country symbols come a lot of rules. It was a challenge to create something so unique that best represents the city and its story.

We portrayed the most known parts, like the mountain Deciq, the river Cemi, the Illyrian sun and the symbol to represent the mountains surrounding the city.

Tuzi Flag & Emblem
Tuzi Flag & Emblem

Festivals all year around

Tuzi Flag & Emblem

Check online presence

To see all the details consider visiting the website linked down below 👇

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